Jackie brought her Diamond Fantasy Shawl that was knit with ( wait for it)... 9 balls Jaeger Roma. Woot! I take my hat off to you Jackie, I can't bring myself to use my stash of Roma on a shawl! It was the most cushiest shawl ever but still...

The other girls brought their knitting too.

I didn't get a good picture of Hernik but I got a close-up of her hands and her little bag.

Last but not least, Sally arrived with her hand-dyed yarn and modeled one of her cowls.

If you are wondering about the different colour quality of the photos - that's because I've been playing around with Photoshop. I left the hand-dyes in their original colour though, so you can see it in its natural glory.
I am just about to unveil my new FO- just need to get some decent photos first. Till next time.