I have been busy getting a new job and finishing up my current one. Not that I have anything against my current company - it's just time to move on. It's really difficult to leave the friends I've made here. After all I spend more time in the office with this bunch of colleagues then I do my own family.
But I took a look around at people my own age and I could see that I needed to get a better position and better pay for my experience and expertise. And much as I enjoy my work, this place is just not going to be able to provide that.
After I put in my resignation letter I still have 10 days of leave due to me, which I ma enjoying right now!! I can't tell you how good it is to sleep at night without thinking about work. Still I haven't made as much progress as I had planned with my crafty stuff.
All I can say is there has been 2 new starts and no FOs.. and I am really itching to have a FO NOW!!.
Anyway this is my last post on my beloved PC at work and I will have to get used to the notebook at home to update my blog.
I will just leave you with some glimpses of the stitching stuff I have been up to.
I received this lovely little pinkeep from Azie as part of the Quaker Pinkeep exchange organised at the Malaysian Stitchers Group. Lovely blend of brown and gold!!
And my latest WIP shot of Cirque after Page 2. It's off my rotation now - I've been knitting something gorgeous with Calmer... Will update once I take a pic in the next post.